Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The South Quaker Lane sidewalk has a question for you ...

Though, since there's no punctuation, perhaps the little pixie that did this is trying to make more of a zen-like statement:

Where is my mind. My mind is where.  


Anonymous said...

Also a pretty seminal Pixies song.

Ben said...

Thus my mention that the person responsible was a "little pixie."

Well, I thought I was being clever ...

Battle Park said...

I had no comment but noticed while reading the comments that my comment verification phrase was:


That is all.

seth said...

I'd rather the Pixies record a new album rather than spray-paint their old song titles on Connecticut sidewalks. Seems like it'd be far more productive. Of course, the Velvet Underground isn't even spray-painting sidewalks... so I guess it depends on what being "productive" means.
Tell me when you find "Bone Machine" street.

Anonymous said...

oh. I see now, and yes, I guess reading comprehension isn't my thing.