Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Unappealing food products

I never realized how much a simple color balance error could ruin the look of photographed food. Something must have gone wrong at the printing press, because the greens and blues seemed all out of whack in this recent grocery flyer:

Anyone up for some cold cuts? Mmmm, nothing says flavor like some blue salami. And the pale turkey is simply delicious!

How about some pasta salad? What, not green enough for you? So what if it got left outside all day!


the Professor said...

That's really gross. Ew.

Anonymous said...

Really? I would never have expected this blog to make off color remarks.

seth said...

Funny, I read this entry and thought it was someone else's blog the whole time. I was really surprised when I saw the first comment. I was like, "Really? They read this blog too? I didn't think they even knew each other. Talk about coincidence! Maybe they found the blog via the BostonFilm blog." It was all very exciting for me. And then I realized which blog I was reading.

Not so exciting that way.

Judo For Make Love said...

Well, we could all probably use a few more phytochemicals in our diets. That esteemed nutritionist Dr Seuss wrote a book about this.