Anyway, just this past weekend I was in to buy a few items and, being as I'm a gigantic child, I made sure to stop at the exit to see what was available from the store's gumball dispensers.
There was a cool fake mustache dispenser that piqued my interest, some candy dispensers, and then there was this:
Glow Crosses? Really?
Now, perhaps this is just the cynic in me, but doesn't it seem strange that the owners of said candy dispenser chose to put a Glow Cross dispenser in Waldbaum's? Granted, I realize that I, along with many other shoppers that frequent the store, are not of the Jewish faith, but still, it feels a little pointed.
And then there's the question of how many kids actually want a glow-in-the-dark plastic cross necklace. I know that the seven-year-old version of myself wouldn't have wanted one, and I was an altar boy.
"Timmy, I've got two quarters. Do you want anything from the dispensers? Some candy or a fake mustache?"
"Please, Mother, I only want a Glow Cross."
"Are you sure? I mean, there's chocolate and gum and -"
"Silence, woman! Now give me those quarters!"
I suppose the true test is to see if the Crown has a Glow Cross dispenser, as well. I can't say I've seen them at any other market. Then again, I do the rest of my shopping at Whole Foods, where candy dispensers are a big no-no.
They don't call it "Bishop's" Corner for nothing!
Perhaps they are simply one-legged Gumbies?
Never forget that, even in West Hartford, America is basically a Christian nation. No alcohol sold on Sundays. Schools and government shut down for Christmas. Never a President or Vice-President who wasn't Christian (of some variety). The world stops when the Pope visits. Etc. Etc.
And apropo of nothing, check out Governor Rell's great new health care video, at:
Maybe it's because right behind and below Waldbaums is that store that sells all things Jewish.
Sort of a tit for goyem tat.
All those kids cutting classes at Northwest Catholic up the street gotta have some sort of destination...
We use those to fight off vampires at my house. The glowy part is nice because, if there are any draculas prowling around late at night, they will then see its searing glow right quick and think twice about trying to give anybody the bite.
Ah, problem solved!
The crosses are gone!
The plot thickens ...
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