Friday, September 5, 2008

Lame Duck

The Hartford Courant ran a story today that seems to have originated at the Star Tribune. It concerned a typo that the government made when printing the toll-free phone number hunters are required to call to purchase a "duck stamp." This stamp provides free passage to play real-life Duck Hunt to hunters countrywide. 

The printing accidentally transposed two digits in the phone number, from 782 to 872, making the phone number spelling TRAMP24 instead of STAMP24. Yes, you guessed it, the number printed belongs to a phone-sex line.

The government says it is too expensive to print a correction:
Rachel Levin, a Fish and Wildlife spokeswoman, called the misprint, which connects callers to a phone-sex service, "an unfortunate typographical error" that her agency "really regrets." She adds that the agency will keep selling the $15 stamps with the naughty number because reprinting the card would cost too much.
You can read the full article from the Star Tribune here.

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