Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday night thoughts

I have come to realize that any activity - ANY ACTIVITY - can be sung to the chorus of Gloria Estefan's "Rhythm is Gonna Get You." Seriously, give it a try. I do it all day long. It just sticks in my head. I find myself driving along, singing things like: Going to get groceries, driving to get groceries, going to get groceries . . . driving to get groceries . . . to-day!

The movie Meatballs has been on cable nearly non-stop lately. One ill-advised morning the Professor and I began to watch it, curled up on the couch, munching away at breakfast and reading the newspaper. 

Let me tell you, the theme to that movie (Are you ready for the summer? Are you ready for the good times?) is so ear-splitting it's unimaginable. Yet, like Gloria and her ever malleable melody, it gets bludgeoned into your brain until you seriously begin to wonder if you're beginning to go a little crazy. If you haven't ever heard this theme, consider yourself blessed.

That being said, the Professor and I enjoyed watching Meatballs.

The Phillies will be in the World Series. There, I've said it. My big fear, though, is that they won't be playing the Red Sox.

How did Red Robin get into the Park Road Parade yesterday? Seemed to be a bit of an odd choice for a parade that appeared dedicated to celebrating local, home-spun culture.

I was happy to see a sign yesterday for a Yard Sale mixed within the swarm of Tag Sale signs.

Last night (afternoon/evening), the Professor and I went to our friend's 30th birthday party. There were quite a few people there that I knew from high school or earlier, people I haven't seen in quite some time. And, nearly all of them now have babies (or multiple babies). 

Oh, and they all brought the kids along. 

It was, needless to say, a bit odd. Seeing babies and three and four-year-olds slashing through the crowd, knowing that the parents of these children are the same age as myself, I couldn't help but feel old. Then, after they all left to put the kids to bed, the rest of us, the singles and the child-less couples, drank beer and played Mario Kart on the N64 and made fools of ourselves playing a pathetic round of "pin the tail on the donkey" (originally set up for the children) and everything seemed to even out.

Time to retire for today. Or, as Gloria Estefan would sing (in my head):

Going to sign off now, going to sign off now, going to sign off now . . .  going to sign off now . . . Good-night!

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