Friday, May 1, 2009

Mini news on media move day

Got the keys to the new apartment last night. Very excited. We move in a little over a week, but today was devoted to hauling most of our media from Crummyville to the new digs. With the amount of books and DVDs and CDs that we own, such a move is very tiring.

As you can imagine, I'm not in much of a manifesto mood.

But I wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day. What is Free Comic Book Day? Well, it's pretty self explanatory. Comic shops all over the country will be offering up special free comic books to whomever walks through their doors. I'm not a gigantic comic book reader (it's amazing to see the stacks that guys are buying every time I go in and spend my five dollars), but this event is always fun to attend. For more info, visit

Also, my friend Jay emailed me the link to some amazingly cool commercials that were created for Scrabble (one of my favorite games). Check 'em out:

He came across them over here at BeaucoupKevin.

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