Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Gov. Rell to assign task force investigating vanishing sidewalks

I know I said my last post on West Hartford's vanishing sidewalk phenomenon was to be my last (for a while), but this stunning development has caused me to write one more piece.

I received an email from none other than M. Jodi Rell, Governor of our fair state. It appears she's pretty concerned about our sidewalk situation:
Dear Ben, Let me begin by saying I'm a big fan of what you do. I check your blog at least twice a day. And, in reading your postings, I have grown quite concerned about West Hartford's "vanishing sidewalk" phenomenon. That's why I'm launching a task force to investigate these bizarre oddities. I plan on finding, come hell or high water, why these sidewalks abruptly stop and what we can do to prevent future sidewalks from meeting the same fate.
She went on to praise me a bit more and to badmouth a few of the commenters that have left mean feedback over the past few months.

I must say, I was pretty shocked by the email. Who knew the Governor cared to spend taxpayer dollars on something so important to so few?

She plans on making sure the program has it's first report on her desk by April 1, 2010.


Ben said...

If you couldn't tell, April Fools

Seannessy said...

You suck! I was like that's so cool that the Governor reads your got me!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well the joke's on us, because this is EXACTLY the kind of thing (the only kind of thing) fo which M. Jodi shows any leadership.

Not the important stuff.

Lurker Guy said...

Sorry, that last post was me. I don't want to be completely anonyomous in my anonymity.