Friday, February 20, 2009

Fuzzy faces

As a kid, I was always amazed when my parents fumbled stories about their younger days. It just didn't seem possible that one could forget the name of a high school classmate or a childhood friend. Of course, I was in the middle of high school at the time. It was easy to remember every classmate I ever had.

Fast forward 13 years and I'm beginning to know what my parents were struggling with. And I owe this crippling annoyance to Facebook.

I really need to go to my parents' house and dig out my yearbooks. Who would have thought that social networking sites would make one want to dust off the old, hardbacked green and gold, the "stay in touch" messages and awkward senior photos? 

What's happening is I'm beginning to get random "friend" requests from people I'm pretty sure I've never met but, apparently, I graduated with. Is my mind that fuzzy? My graduating class was not that large. I would think I'd remember at least MOST of the people.

I think there needs to be rules for these kind of random blasts-from-the-past. The person requesting should, at the very least, provide some sort of relationship recap in the form of a message. Something like, "Hey, remember when we worked together that one summer?" or "Remember when we hid from that giant sloth monster in that old windmill together?" 

I'm not asking for much. Just something to jog the memory.

I realize I could just accept these people and figure out everything later, but then you end up as one of those Facebook whores that has hundreds and hundreds of friends (I'm pretty sure there are competitions out there regarding this phenomenon). No, with each request, I need to unravel the mystery. Who are you? How do I know you?

Are you really "friend" worthy?

I'm such a snob.    


Anonymous said...

I hope you recognized me when I asked to be your friend.

Where was this windmill with sloth monster? I must have gotten hit pretty hard on the head that night to forget :)

Anonymous said...

Or you could ignore the requests, like I do. If I can't remember you, then you don't need to be my facebook friend.

Anonymous said...

What loradona said. I go the route of sending them an email, making sure they don't have a different last name or something and then they explain who they are to me! If not willing to do that, then whatever, I don't need to catch up.